



职称 副教授 职务
邮箱 feiyang@zut.edu.cn






2021.10-至今 中原工学院智能建造与建筑工程学院




[1] Yang Fei, Liu Xianping, Zhao Yongjuan, et al. Investigation of Three-Dimensional Microstructure of Tricalcium Silicate (C3S) by Electron Microscopy. Materials (Basel),2018, 11(7): 1110.

[2] 杨飞, 刘贤萍, 赵永娟, 等. 连续切片扫描电子显微镜在硅酸三钙研究中的初步应用. 电子显微学报, 2018, 37(4): 355-360.

[3] Yang Fei, Chen Bo, Hashimoto Teruo, et al. Investigation of Three-Dimensional Structure and Pigment Surrounding Environment of a TiO2 Containing Waterborne Paint, Materials,2019, 12(3): 464.

[4] 杨飞, 刘贤萍, 赵永娟, 等. 硅酸三钙硬化浆体三维空间结构的连续切片成像研究. 电子显微学报.2020, 39(2): 128-133.

[5] Yang Fei, Liu Xianping, Wang Shunfeng, et al. Investigation of Spatial Nano-structure Development of the Hardened C3S Pastes by Serial Block-Face SEM. Materials Characterization, 2021, 174, 110973

[6] Huang Ying, Chen Bo, Duan Jian, Yang Fei, et al. Graphitic Carbon Nitride (g-C3N4): An Interface Enabler for Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries. Angewandte Chemie-international edition, 2020, 59(9): 3699-3704.

[7] Liu Xianping, Zhao Yongjuan, Yang Fei, et al. Application of serial block-face scanning electron microscope to characterize the 3D microstructure of tricalcium silicate particles. 20 Internationale Baustofftagung, 12-12 September 2018, Germany: 2-715-722.

[8] Zhao Yongjuan, Liu Xianping, Chen Bo, Yang Fei, et al. Three-Dimensional Characterization of Hardened paste of Hydrated Tricalcium Silicate by Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy. Materials, 2019, 12(2): 11.

[9] Bai Xue, Chen Bo, Yang Fei, et al. Three-dimensional imaging and analysis of the internal structure of SAPO-34 zeolite crystals. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(59), 33631-33636.

[10] Lu, Jia Wei, Chen Bo, Liu Xianping, Yang Fei, et al. 3D microstructure reconstruction of casting aluminum alloy based on serial block-face scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 778: 721-730.

[11] Chen Bo, Yongming Zhang, Qing Chen, Fei Yang, et al. Effect of Mineral Composition and w/c Ratios to the Growth of AFt during Cement Hydration by In-Situ Powder X-ray Diffraction Analysis, Materials, 2020, 13, 4963.

[12] Shunfeng Wang, Long Yu, Fei Yang, et al. Co-utilization of quarry tailings and fly ash for non-sintered ultra-lightweight aggregates (ULWAs) by autoclave technology, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 346, 128482

[13] Shunfeng Wang, Long Yu, Fei Yang, et al. Effect of steel fiber distribution on the mechanical properties of UHPC caused by vehicle-bridge coupling vibration, Composites Part B, 2022, 245, 110201.

[14] Shunfeng Wang, Long Yu, Fei Yang, et al. Resourceful utilization of quarry tailings in the preparation of non-sintered high-strength lightweight aggregates, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 334, 127444

[15] 刘俊霞, 杨飞, 夏晓敏 等.“土木工程材料”课程思政建设实践研究. 中原工学院学报, 2022, 33(5): 70-74.

[16] 刘俊霞, 杨飞, 刘明清 等.胶凝材料组成对高强修补砂浆性能的影响, 混凝土, 2016, 5, 106-108.

[17] Junxia Liu, Yimeng Yan, Zhongyu, Fei Yang*, Ran Hai. Hardening and microstructural properties of red mud modified magnesium ammonium phosphate cements, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 66, 105849.

[18] Junxia Liu , Yimeng Yan , Zhongyu Li , Fei Yang * , Ran Hai , Mengtian Yuan. Investigation on the potassium magnesium phosphate cement modified by pretreated red mud: Basic properties, water resistance and hydration heat, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 368, 130456.

[19] Junxia Liu , Mengtian Yuan , Ran Hai , Fei Yang, Jingyu Zhang, Anbang Li. Investigation of the Mechanical Physical Properties of Fly Ash Modified Magnesium Phosphate Cement Repair Mortar Cured at Varying Temperatures, Buildings, 2023, 13(1), 88.

[20] Junxia Liu , Shujie Zang , Fei Yang, Maoliang Zhang, Anbang Li. Fracture Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete under Dry-Wet Cycle Sulfate Attack, Buildings, 2022, 12(10), 1623.

[21] Junxia Liu , Anbang Li , Yanmeng Yang, Xueping Wang, Fei Yang. Dry-Wet Cyclic Sulfate Attack Mechanism of High-Volume Fly Ash Self-Compacting Concrete, Sustainability, 2022, 14(20), 13052.

[22] Fracture properties of steel fibre reinforced high-volume fly ash self-compacting concrete, Case Studies in Construction Materials

[23] Fei yang, Mengjie Qiao, Linchang Li, Yangyang Cui, Junxia Liu. Mechanical and Thermal Conductivity Study of Inorganic Modified Raw Soil Materials Based on Gradient Concept, Buildings, 2023, 13(9), 2155.

[24] Fei yang, Yangyang Cui, Anming She, Ran Hai, Zheyu Zhu. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Silane Inserted CSH Nanostructure, Materials, 2024, 17, 149.

[25] Dandan Li , Cuilian Wu, Hang Song, Linchang Li , Guanru Lv and Fei Yang. Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Bond–Slip Behavior between Geopolymer Concrete and Steel Tube with Varying Structural Measures, Buildings, 2024, 14, 2516.

[26] Fei Yang , Mengjie Qiao, Linchang Li, Ran Hai, and Cun Hui. Study on the Conductivity and Pressure Sensitivity Performance of Carbon Fiber Geopolymer, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2024, 8411384.

[27] Fei Yang 1,* ,†, Yan Ma 2,†, Linchang Li 1 , Shuo Liu 1 , Ran Hai 1 and Zheyu Zhu. Early-Age Behaviour of Portland Cement Incorporating Ultrafine Recycled Powder: Insights into Hydration, Setting, and Chemical Shrinkage, Materials, 2024, 17, 5551.







6.湖南省国家电网横向项目“导热混凝土” 12万(参与)

7. 浦江人才计划“金属玻璃晶化过程及其结构发展的三维尺度研究”, 30万(参与)

8.国家自然科学基金“水泥基材料三维成像研究”, 65万(参与)








